To interpret the elastic behaviour of a material operators in quality control and research departments are using the relaxation test.
The chart describes such kind of a test, which initiate a rotational stress on the sample, after the stress will be released, the relaxation of the material will be measured. Such kind of experiment is useful to characterize the behaviour of the material, which is of high interest.
The measurement of the relaxing time is being determined out of a disturbance test. It characterizes the visco elastic material behaviour and is important for process near properties.
Storage and loss modulus
The storage modulus (G`) measures the energy which is stored in the sample and which will be released after mechanical stress...
Variable time
Comparable with the usual vulcameter test here the module and the viscosity via the time are being captured...
Temperature Sweep
GÖTTFERT MDR Elastographs, enable operator through a temperature sweep with an integrated temperature control program...
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