WinRheo II

Advanced evaluation software for measurement results from high-pressure Capillary Rheometers and Online-Rheometers

Software WinRheo II

Maximum flexibility

Our WinRheo II Windows software offers you a convenient solution for evaluating and presenting rheological measurement data.

It processes the data from all GÖTTFERT Capillary Rheometers as well as other laboratory instruments such as the Rheograph or Rheo-Tester, provided they were operated with WinRheo, WebRheo or LabRheo. Measurement data from Online-Rheometers such as the RTR/RTS, SSR or MBR, which were recorded with the ROSWin software, can also be easily integrated.

Thanks to the seamless connection to Microsoft Excel, you benefit from maximum flexibility for further analyses and the clear presentation of your results.

Technical specifications

Product features

  • Rheological corrections: Rabinowitsch-Weissenberg, Bagley (linear and non-linear), Mooney (wall slip), heat dissipation, Hagenbach, Gleissle
  • Models: Ostwald-de Waele (power law), Münstedt, Carreau-Winter, Cross, Sabia, Yasuda
  • Temperature shift: Arrhenius, WLF, Carreau-WLF, Carreau-Arrhenius, Cross-WLF, Cross-Arrhenius
  • Further calculations: First normal stress difference, extensional viscosity according to Cogswell, NNI coefficient (non-Newtonian index)
  • Calculations for options: Threshold, PVT - calculations for isobaric and isothermal diagrams, back pressure chamber, thermal conductivity*, analysis of flow instabilities*. (* external modules)

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