
Precise MFR and MVR measurements according to ISO 1133 procedure B and ASTM D1238 procedure B in the basic version. Additional multi-weight measurements according to ASTM D1238 procedure D to determine the flow rate ratio (FRR) possible.

  • ASTM D1238
  • ASTM D3364
  • ISO 1133

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Melt flow indexer mi40

Highest precision with modular automation modules

The mi40 marks the beginning of a new era in melt flow rate measurement. The mi40 has been specially developed for incoming goods and quality control (QC) and offers fully automated and highly precise determination of MFR (Melt Flow Rate) and MVR (Melt Volume Rate) according to ASTM D1238 and ISO 1133.

The mi40 combines all the advantages of the proven MI-3 and sets new standards with a higher degree of automation. Due to the powerful drive with a force of up to 60 kg, materials can be pre-compressed or ejected in a force-controlled way. The test-plan-controlled, automatic weight selection with up to eight integrated weights simplifies operation and ensures maximum efficiency. Furthermore, automatic pre-compaction - optionally via weight or drive - minimizes operator influence and increases measuring accuracy.

A further highlight

is the fully automatic multi-weight measurement with up to eight different weights per channel filling, which enables a comprehensive analysis in just one test run.

The high-precision displacement measurement guarantees reliable results, even with extremely low or high measured values. The external die guide on the weight guide rod ensures exact, repeatable measurements - even with very sticky materials.

Good to know

Cleanliness is essential for precise melt flow index measurements. The swivel-out test chamber with exchangeable test channel enables easy filling and cleaning. The optional semi-automatic cleaning device offers even more convenience.

mi40 x visco

Viscosity testing using a plastometer

The mi40 can also be extended with various add-ons. The add-on “viscosity measurement” makes the mi40 into a capillary rheometer - the mi40 visco.

This can be used to carry out viscosity measurements according to ISO 11443.

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mi40 x HAUL-OFF

Determination of the elongation viscosity

In combination with an elongation rheometer, the mi40 can be used as a D-MELT.

Both the MFR and the MF, a key figure for the elongational viscosity, can then be determined in one measurement.

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Product features

  • Force controlled pre-compression / ejection via drive with a force of up to 60 kg
  • Multi-load tests with up to 8 different weights in any order
  • Precise digital displacement measurement with automatic resolution determination
  • Swing-out test chamber design for convenient filling and cleaning
  • Integrated magazine with up to eight test weights with automatic selection

for even more functionality

Optional units

  • Integrated electrical cleaning device
  • Manual capillary plug (special heated version for high temperatures available)
  • Automatic capillary plug
  • Automatic melt-cutting unit
  • With an optional melt cut-off device, the measurement results can also be evaluated according to ISO 1133 procedure A or ASTM D1238 procedure A
  • With special capillaries, measurements can also be carried out according to ASTM D1238 procedure C (“half die”) or ASTM D3364
  • Nitrogen purge for hydroscopic materials
  • Alternative steel grades for barrel and piston with higher corrosion or abrasion resistance
  • Inlet-version for extremely sticky powders
  • Data protection of parameters and results via uninterruptible power supply


Add-ons for advanced measurements

Our modular add-ons also offer an extended option for characterizing materials.

Our miCONNECT software is a browser-based platform for workstation-independent management and analysis of measurement data, which can be used without installation.


The residual moisture has a considerable influence on the measurement result for certain test materials. Therefore, it is recommended to dry test materials before a IV measurement and to determine the residual moisture.


Directly connected laboratory scale for determination of the melt density.


The measuring head is mounted below the die. The measurement can be carried out parallel to a viscosity measurement.

  • Determination of the dynamic and static die swell
  • Evaluation of a die swell profile (BASELL method)
  • Swivel arm with continuous height adjustment
  • Laser measuring head available in various resolutions
  • Optional with automatic melt cutting device
  • Optional: acquisition of two strings simultaneously
  • Application: Simulation of material swelling behaviour during extrusion


Best practice


Both our mi40 and MI-ROBO 89.16 can perform automated multi-load measurements with only one filling of...



mi40 visco: Viscosity measurements on a plastometer

With the add-on "viscosity measurement" the mi40 is transformed into a mi40 visco. This enables the plastometer to perform viscosity measurements according to the standard for capillary rheometers ISO 11443...



Melt Flow Indexer (MFR/MVR) vs. Capillary Rheometer

A Capillary Rheometer as well as a Melt Flow Indexer (Plastometer) can compare the flow behaviour of polymer plastics...



MFR-Standards: ISO 1133 and ASTM D1238

The determination of the melt flow rate (MFR) and the melt volume rate (MVR) is described in various international standards...



MFR/MVR: Common Terms

Over the years, quite a number of different terms have become established in the field of melt flow measurements, often with the same or similar meanings. This sometimes leads to misunderstandings and the whole subject area seems more complicated than it actually is...



Intrinsic Viscosity

The intrinsic viscosity (IV), also referred as intrinsic viscosity, or Staudinger index [η]...



Determination of Melt Flow Index (MFR and MVR)

The melt flow index is a standardized test method to determine the flow rate of plastics at a defined temperature and constant force. The test method...


Reproducible and Accuracy of Melt-Index-Tests

GÖTTFERT Melt Flow Testers (Plastometers) are manufactured according to the most modern electronic and mechanical standards with minimal manufacturing tolerances. The result is a testing device which delivers precise and accurate MVR and MFR test results.



Better than ISO 1133

All our melt index testers are equipped with a fast and precise temperature control...


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