Best advice and sustainable support

Regular preventive maintenance and calibration of your test equipment is an essential component for availability, longevity and reliable measurement results.

In order to meet the requirements for guaranteed availability of the test equipment, we offer you the option of concluding a service contract with us.

Our system - your advantage

✔ WARRANTYAutomatic extension of the warranty
✔ MAINTENANCEMaintenance and calibration according to checklist
✔ PRICE GUARANTEEPackage price with price guarantee on installation services
✔ UPDATESFree software updates
✔ SPARE PARTSAutomatic discount benefits on all spare parts orders
✔ SEMINARS50% discount on our seminars and webinars
✔ CUSTOMER PORTALFree use of our customer portal serviceCONNECT
✔ SCHEDULINGAppointment monitoring and preferential treatment in the scheduling of non-scheduled repairs and periodic maintenance

Our service agreements are individually adapted to your requirements. For example, you have the option of choosing between the following two maintenance packages and integrate them into the service agreement:


Maintenance with factory calibration protocol: Maintenance and calibration of the instrument with traceable measuring devices, including statistical measurement uncertainty, which has been determined by an evaluation of the statistical measurands on several different instruments.

After successful completion a factory calibration protocol (inspection protocol) will be provided.


Maintenance and calibration of the instrument with traceable measuring devices, including an indication of the lowest measurement uncertainty, which has been determined directly at the test device on site.

After successful completion a verification report will be provided in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17025.

Remote Support

Fast support via remote access. We will find a suitable solution for you and support you regardless of location.

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Register easily and gain insight into many service topics related to your instrument.

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Trainings and seminars

Our offer is aimed at safety in the use of the machine and the use of all the possibilities offered by a testing machine.

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Moving your machine

Your GOETTFERT instrument has to change location?

Many aspects need to be considered in order to avoid damage of the instrument and to assure the highest accuracy of our testing instruments once they are started up again.

Our experienced team of service engineers are here to help you. Please contact us as soon as you are planning the move.

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