Our Rubber Process Analyzer for flexible test design.

  • ASTM D6601
  • ASTM D6204
  • DIN 53529
  • ASTM 6048
  • ASTM D7050
  • ISO 13145
  • ASTM D7605
  • ASTM D5289
  • ISO 6502

Product brochure

Elastomer-Testing RPA VE

Maximum flexibility

The Rubber Process Analyzer (RPA) is used to analyse rubber compounds in a plastic state, during vulcanization and with vulcanized samples. The lower half of the die is controlled with a sinusoidal rotary movement, while the upper half of the die measures the torque and phase angle of the sample.

With 45 years of experience in testing rubber compounds, the RPA delivers precise, repeatable and reliable results.

Depending on the standard and material, the Vulkameter can be equipped with different chamber systems, including both quasi-sealed and hermetically sealed test chambers in bi-conical, Shore and paste versions.

Good to know

Compared to the MDR, the RPA offers significantly more flexibility in test setup. Both the deflection frequency and the amplitude can be set in a wide range under program control. Together with the fast temperature control, tests such as ramp or relaxation tests can be carried out fully automatically in addition to frequency, amplitude and temperature sweeps.


Product features

  • Standardized and customer-specific test chambers
  • Deformation or stress-controlled operation
  • Temperature up to 230°C with extremely fast temperature control and homogeneous temperature distribution in the reaction chamber
  • Deformation frequency 0.01 to 120 Hz
  • Amplitude 0 to +/- 360°, angular resolution of the drive 0.001°
  • Torque measuring range 25 Nm
  • Normal force measuring range up to 10 kN for investigating moss and cellular rubber mixtures and the effect of the blowing agents they contain
  • Cooling rate up to 1°C/s (optional)

Measuring methods

  • LAOS evaluation using FFT
  • Determination of the transient viscosity
  • Isothermal / non-isothermal curve
  • Frequency sweep
  • Amplitude sweep
  • Temperature Sweep
  • Ramp test up to 720°
  • Relaxation test up to 360

for even more functionality

Optional units

  • Autoloader for 5 and 30 samples
  • Volume punch
  • Normal force measurement
  • Torque calibration

Best practise

Storage and loss modulus

The storage modulus (G`) measures the energy which is stored in the sample and which will be released after mechanical stress...



The Payne-effect describes the alteration in the polymer properties, which are caused of mechanical stress...



Variable time

Comparable with the usual vulcameter test here the module and the viscosity via the time are being captured...

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