
The counter pressure viscometer, or GDV for short, consists of two capillary rheometers that are connected via a connecting chamber. This allows the viscoelastic behaviour to be characterized depending on the back pressure.

  • ISO 17744 (PVT)
  • ASTM D5930 (TCM)
  • ASTM D5099 (Gummi)
  • ISO 11443 (Viskosität)
  • ASTM D3835 (Viskosität)

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Counter Pressure Viscosimeter

Determination of the flow curve

The counter pressure viscometer consists of two interconnected capillary rheometers (normally an RG75 and an RG25), which can act simultaneously on a melt sample via a connecting chamber. The actual test runs on the RG75 while the RG25 regulates a constant pressure at the die outlet of the RG75. The pressure behind the die is recorded with an additional pressure transducer. With the counter pressure viscometer, it is possible to determine the flow curve as a function of a precisely defined counter pressure.

Good to know

Both capillary rheometers can be operated independently of each other.


Product features

  • Heated high-pressure connection chamber
  • Common base plate for perfect alignment
  • Automated script-controlled measuring sequence in combined counter pressure mode
  • Full functionality of the individual devices


Add-ons for advanced measurements

Our modular add-ons also offer an extended option for characterizing materials.

Measuring first normal stress difference at high shear rates via capillary rheometer.

  • Determination of Normal Stress at high shear rates and closer to the processing shear rates which was not possible with conventional technique​
  • Detection of flow instabilities at processing shear rates​
  • Measurement of Viscosity, elongation viscosity and Normal Stress differences​


The Shark Skin measuring head is mounted at the bottom of the test barrel instead of the capillary. With this option it is possible to measure exactly at which critical shear rates surface inhomogeneities occur.

  • Detection of the Shark Skin effect
  • Consisting of slit die, three high frequency pressure-sensors (sampling rate up to 20 kHZ), as well as software package
  • Determination of the frequency spectrum and statistical evaluation of the pressure signal
  • Optimization in the extrusion, film and coating process


The sensor for thermal conductivity is mounted just like a standard piston. The barrel is closed at the bottom during the test. The thermal conductivity measurement of solids or melt is performed under stationary conditions.

  • Determination of the thermal conductivity at a measuring range up to 450°C and 1000 bar
  • Developed according to ASTM D5930
  • Test sensor with integrated heating element and temperature sensor
  • Process-Simulation and optimization of cycle times in injection molding
  • No mechanical modifications necessary
  • Fully automatic measurement


The CONTIFEED is a mini-extruder which directly feeds the test barrel of a capillary rheometer. This add-on is particularly suitable for thermally unstable material, due to the reduced dwell time. The plasticizing with pre-shearing in the extruder, makes the measuring process very similar to the production process.

The advantages of the CONTIFEED:

  • Automated, bubble-free filling of the test barrel
  • Influence of plasticizing via extruder can be investigated
  • Shorter material dwell time under temperature influence
  • Rheological characterization at conditions similar to the production process
  • Pre-plastification also allows the measurement of powder materials (e.g. PVC dry blends)


Besides the PVT 500, GÖTTFERT also offers the PVT-measurement as an add-on for the capillary rheometer. The measurement characterizes the material specific dependencies between pressure, specific volume and temperature.

  • Isothermal or isobaric measurements according to ISO 17744
  • Constant high cooling rate with newly developed air cooling or thermostat
  • Fully automated measurement
  • Automatically generated PVT diagram
  • Parameterization with Tait model as interface to simulation software


Principle of pVT measurement (isothermal)
Principle of pVT measurement (isobaric)

The drawability of polymer melts is of utmost importance in many processes of plastics production and processing.

The patented RHEOTENS method has proven to be an extremely sensitive measuring principle that delivers highly reproducible results to show even minimal batch fluctuations.

In addition to the already existing constant speed and constant acceleration, exponential acceleration is now also possible. The determination of the extensional viscosity function according to Prof. Wagner is an integral part of the RHEOTHENS.

The RHEOTENS is well suited as a processability test for materials used in extrusion or film applications.


Our newly developed HAUL-OFF with a maximum speed of 2000 m/min is particularly suited for the characterization of fibre-grade materials. The system can be operated with constant acceleration or at constant speed steps. The pull-down force is measured via a smooth-running, anti-stick coated measuring wheel on a highly sensitive force transducer.




The measuring head is mounted below the die. The measurement can be carried out parallel to a viscosity measurement.

  • Determination of the dynamic and static die swell
  • Evaluation of a die swell profile (BASELL method)
  • Swivel arm with continuous height adjustment
  • Laser measuring head in 0.1 μm or 7 μm version
  • Optional with automatic melt cutting device
  • Optional: acquisition of two strings simultaneously
  • Application: Simulation of material swelling behaviour during extrusion


The viscosity of polymers can also depend on the general pressure level. The Counter Pressure Chamber is mounted behind the die and generates a back-pressure at the die outlet, which is measured with an additional pressure sensor.

  • Determining the pressure dependence of viscosity (pressure coefficient)
  • Determination of the critical wall shear stress for wall slip
  • Maximum pressure (Pm) 1200 bar
  • Temperature range up to 400°C
  • Optimization of the flow processes in processing machines (injection molding and extrusion tools with long flow paths, melt pumps)


Additional temperature control with external thermostat


Best practise

Viscosity measurements with counter pressure

An important contribution to the 3D injection molding simulation



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